Kaala Jadoo Nivaran Black Magic Removel
What are the benefits ?
- This special puja is done to remove the malefic effects of evil eye or buri nazar.
- It also saves one from the ill effects of witchcraft and black magic is helpful in gaining peace and harmony in your life.
What are the preferred days to do this Pooja ?
- It is often performed on Tuesdays or Saturdays, considered auspicious days for protection and cleansing rituals in Hindu tradition. However, individual preferences and astrological considerations may also influence the choice of the day.
About Black Magic
- Black magic also known as witchcraft is usage of supernatural power for evil and selfish purposes and to perform malicious practices to destroy someone physically or mentally or financially.
- It can be done using the victim’s hair, clothes, photo or looking directly into eyes. Practicing black magic is not something new
- It has been practiced since generations and hence we need to be very careful in this time of Kalyug where you are surrounded by very few well-wishers.
What happens after I place an order?
You will be connected to your concerned astrologer via our chat window
The Astrologers can place complimentary calls.You can clarify any queries via chat or free call.
In case you wish to specify a mode of communication, you may discuss the same with the astrologer via the chat window.
Astrologers will conduct the puja accordingly